Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Day

Ok, so it's not technically my first day in Paris. I officially arrived yesterday, but shuttling oneself from Charles de Gaulle Airport, to the Air France bus, to the Gare de Montparnasse, and finally to an apartment in the Parisian suburbs, only to sleep for 12 hours out of sheer travel exhaustion, is not what I would call a true first day in Paris. What's more, I'm writing this post a little after midnight on the day after my artificially created first day, which means that this blog is getting off to a highly time-challenged start. Luckily, dates and times are just details. This blog is about experiencing Paris - the physical, emotional, exiting, maddening, wonderful things that can happen at any given time on any given day in the City of Lights.

As a graduate student on exchange for one semester, I have but four months to take in all that Paris has to offer. Luckily, this city provides a virtually endless supply of sensory delights as well as bureaucratic hurdles. My time here will most certainly be filled with a variety of mishaps, triumphs, and reflections ripe for the sharing. If you've ever been to France, live here now, or simply dream of visiting, I hope you will enjoy reading Parisian Spring.

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