There are two beautiful trees in bloom right outside my bedroom window. I've been watching them grow for nearly two weeks now, and today with the sun shining, the shutters thrown open, and a light breeze wafting in, they look absolutely amazing. As someone who was born and raised in northern climes, any sign of life in early March is exciting - flowering vegetation is a miracle.
The weather has been unusually mild in Paris recently, which might explain the fact that everything is in bloom and it feels like we're already enjoying the spring season. Sure, we've had some rain and fog, but the temperatures

have stayed near 50 degrees Fahrenheit, making getting around town on foot perfectly enjoyable and comfortable. I only hope it stays this way, and that an early spring doesn't mean a late-arriving summer, or worse, winter's unexpected return. In the US, Puxatauney Phil saw his shadow, thereby predicting six more weeks of winter. These photos show that, clearly, the logic of Groundhog's Day doesn't translate into French.
1 comment:
Groundhog's Day is one of my favorite movie and that's the way I discover this tradition. La problèmatique du temps rejoint celle des saisons. L'homme subit la même loi que les fleurs. Fleurir trop vite et s'épanouir au vue des températures clémentes est parfois tentant, mais le profit immédiat n'est jamais source de bonheur éternel.
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