Friday, February 5, 2010

Bye, Bye Chocolate Cake

The countdown to Brussels Departure has begun. In less than three weeks - February 23rd, to be exact - I'll be headed back to Washington, DC; back to my old apartment, my old job, and my old stateside life. Already wondering how I'm going to live without readily available gâteau au chocolat such as this:


Cancemini4 said...

I can't believe I will miss you by 5 days!!! Quelle tristesse

Greg Wesson said...

Perhaps it is time to consider a permanent move across the Atlantic?

Lola said...

That cake looks downright sinfully decadent!

Tanya said...

@Greg, I've been considering a permanent move across the Atlantic for a very, very long time!

@Lola, It was - the kind of cake you can't eat in one sitting becuase it's just too rich.

Anonymous said...

Noooooo!!! Don't live the chocolate cake behind!!!!

And Washington... er... you like snow, right? ;-)